The driving range at Lake Manitoba resort is a place that provides golfers with everything they need to practice their game and improve their skills, in a comfortable and enjoyable environment. Even if you're not playing a round of golf, you can drop by the driving range and work on your swing or practice your aim with the various targets to hit at.

Bucket of Balls - $15 (Approximately 80 balls)
Driving Range Yearly Membership - $125

Why use the driving range?

  • Warm-up: Use the driving range as a warm-up before starting your round of golf. Hit some balls to get your muscles loosened up and your swing in rhythm.

  • Practice your swing: Use the driving range to work on your swing mechanics. Focus on proper posture, grip, alignment, and swing path.

  • Experiment with clubs: Try out different clubs to see which ones work best for you. Hit some balls with your driver, irons, and wedges to get a feel for each club.

  • Work on your distance: Use the driving range to work on your distance control. Pick a target and try to hit the ball a certain distance with each club.

  • Practice your short game: Use the chipping and putting area of the driving range to work on your short game. Practice hitting chip shots and making putts to improve your scoring around the greens.

  • Have fun: Remember that golf is a game, and the driving range is a great place to have fun and enjoy yourself. Don't take your practice too seriously, and enjoy the process of improving your game.

B90133 St Veterans Memorial Drive, Saint Laurent, Manitoba, R0C 2S0     xPro Shop: 204-646-2100

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